Susan's Blog

The Better Digestion Blueprint Program (using the Mediator Release Test)

The Better Digestion Blueprint Program is designed to help you achieve normal bowel movements FAST with a unique and very effective approach – The P-Q-R Formula – in which we pinpoint problem foods using the MRT or Mediator Release Test, quench inflammation caused by eating those foods, and restore gut health through both diet and supplements.

The end goal is an unrestricted diet of nutritious foods so that you have digestive health for a lifetime enabling you to pursue all of those things you’d love to do- such as going out on the lake, traveling with a group or by air, and simply eating with no fear of “paying for it later”.

Who Is The Better Digestion Blueprint Program For?

Anyone with digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, diverticulitis, IBS, or IBD.  A very nice side benefit of this program is that all types of unwanted symptoms are reduced, whether they are due to food sensitivities or not. Perhaps this is because
the immune system is now “freed up” to do its job better.  Whatever the reason, many people also experience relief from other symptoms such as environmental allergies, joint pain, hives, edema, fatigue, headaches, and brain

What Results Can I Expect From the Better Digestion Blueprint Program?

While I cannot think of any clients that have not experienced success, I cannot guarantee any specific results. However, I can promise that I am committed to making the process of reducing inflammatory symptoms, healing the gut, and increasing variety in the diet as smooth and as seamless as possible.

I have invested an ENORMOUS amount of time, energy, and money to support you every step of the way in order to ensure your success, which you should experience as long as you are committed to doing the work of:

  1.  Consuming ONLY the foods and beverages allowed in each phase of your healing protocol, and
  2. Keeping an accurate food & symptom record for approximately 4-6 weeks, depending on your results.

In addition, I usually see a reduction in digestive as well as other symptoms within 6-14 days. Sometimes, though, there are other processes going on within the body that will require further treatment.

The good news is that when we reduce overall inflammation by attending to food sensitivities, it usually becomes apparent if there is another problem, and what that problem may be. In that case, I will recommend further steps to enable you to achieve total wellness if it is within my scope of practice. If not, I will make recommendations as to the type of practitioner you will need to seek out.

How Does The Better Digestion Blueprint Program Work?

Based upon reliable and accurate results from the most state-of-the-art food sensitivity test available–the MRT–you’ll know exactly what foods and/or food chemicals are causing your digestive symptoms.

Together, we will develop your individualized food plan so that you always know exactly what to eat. Your diet will gradually be expanded to incorporate a variety of healthy foods, which can then be enjoyed with no digestive repercussions at all!

During this time of food reintroduction, Susan will also guide you through an individualized protocol to heal the gut lining, which is where the problem often starts. This helps to assure that you do not develop new food sensitivities, which could result in problems down the road. She will also teach you how to maintain a healthy gut lining by using either supplements or foods or a combination of both. 

What Do I Need?

The best part about The Better Digestion Blueprint Program is that you don’t have to buy special, pre-packaged food!  And though organic food is nice in order to assure there are no hidden chemicals in the food, it is certainly not required.

You only need the following:

  • Phone or computer with internet access
  • 2 – 4 weeks that you can plan to prepare most of your meals at home
  • Willingness to keep an accurate food and symptom record for about 4 – 6 weeks
  • Gut healing supplements (usually about $200 with my professional discount)

(It is not advisable to complete this program while in treatment for an eating disorder.)

What’s Included in the Better Digestion Blueprint Program?

The Better Digestion Blueprint is a well-rounded program providing all the support you need while not taking up a lot of your time in appointments.  Susan has designed this program so that much of the actual instruction concerning when and how to reintroduce your foods after they have been taken out for a period of time plus what to do if you have a reaction to a food is in short videos that have been organized into modules that are released as you need them, allowing for greater time flexibility.

And there’s no scrimp in communication!  The program includes two consultations with Susan plus the option to purchase Clarification Consultations if needed.  There’s also Chat Support, the most popular way for Susan’t clients to communicate with her due to time flexibility, which is just like texting (except it’s in a secure HIPAA-compliant portal).

Here’s exactly what you’ll get:

  • MRT Food Sensitivity Test (requires a blood draw, fee not included)
  • Initial Consultation
  • MRT Results Consultation
  • 6 Week Check-In Consultation
  • 3 Month Check-In Consultation
  • Online program modules breaking down each step of the food elimination and reintroduction process (unlimited access anytime)
  • 3 months Chat Support

All this for just $1195, and you can enhance your program at any time with:

  • Clarification Consultations ($50)
  • “Cooking with Food Sensitivities” cookbook ($36)

How Can I Sign Up for The Better Digestion Blueprint Program?

I accept 10 clients each month into The Better Digestion Blueprint Program.  Just fill out an application so I can make sure it’s a good fit for your situation!

Do You Have More Info?


Watch this masterclass I’ve put together on how The Better Digestion Blueprint Program helps with all types of digestive issues.

Read more about the MRT.

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